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Self-service Team account permissions

Self-service Team accounts are a quick and easy way to get dbt Cloud up and running for a small team. For teams looking to scale and access advanced features like SSO, group management, and support for larger user bases, upgrading to an Enterprise account unlocks these capabilities.

If you're interested in upgrading, contact dbt Labs today

Groups and permissions

Groups determine a user's permission and there are three groups are available for Team plan dbt Cloud accounts: Owner, Member, and Everyone. The first Owner user is the person who created the dbt Cloud account.

New users are added to the Member and Everyone groups when they onboard but this can be changed when the invitation is created. These groups only affect users with a Developer license assigned.

The group access permissions are as follows:

  • Owner — Full access to account features.
  • Member — Robust access to the account with restrictions on features that can alter billing or security.
  • Everyone — A catch-all group for all users in the account. This group does not have any permission assignments beyond the user's profile. Users must be assigned to either the Member or Owner group to work in dbt Cloud.


You assign licenses to every user onboarded into dbt Cloud. You only assign Developer-licensed users to the Owner and Member groups. The groups have no impact on Read-only or IT licensed users.

There are three license types:

  • Developer — The default license. Developer licenses don't restrict access to any features, so users with this license should be assigned to either the Owner or Member group. You're allotted up to 8 developer licenses per account.
  • Read-Only — Read-only access to your project, including environments dbt Explorer. Doesn't have access to account settings at all. Functions the same regardless of group assignments. You're allotted up to 5 read-only licenses per account.
  • IT — Partial access to the account settings including users, integrations, billing, and API settings. Cannot create or edit connects or access the project at all. Functions the same regardless of group assignments. You're allocated 1 seat per account.

See Seats and Users for more information on the impact of licenses on these permissions.

Table of groups, licenses, and permissions


  • (W)rite — Create new or modify existing. Includes send, create, delete, allocate, modify, and read.
  • (R)ead — Can view but can not create or change any fields.
  • No value — No access to the feature.


The following tables outline the access that users have if they are assigned a Developer license and the Owner or Member group, Read-only license, or IT license.

Account permissions for account roles

Account-level permissionOwnerMemberRead-only licenseIT license
Account settingsWWW
Project (create)WWW
Service tokensWW

Project permissions for account roles

Project-level permissionOwnerMemberRead-onlyIT license
Custom env. variablesWWR
Develop (IDE or dbt Cloud CLI)WW
dbt ExplorerWWR
Semantic Layer ConfigWWR